
Aromatherapy is a natural method of healing the body and mind that has existed for thousands of years, using vegetable oils and volatile (essential) oils, which are produced from different parts of the plants using various distillation techniques.
The use of essential oils in particular, and medicinal plants in general, developed mainly at the beginning of the last century.

The oil obtained from the plant is the essence of the scent of the plant and is found within the membranes of the plant. Although we call these substances "oily," they are not similar in composition to the plant oils we know of for food and healing, but are volatile substances that steam in the air and under the influence of steam, melt well in oil, fat and alcohol, but do not mix with water.

Volatile oils are used for medicinal purposes (eucalyptus), as flavorings and smell (lemon) and in the perfume and cosmetics industry (rose oil). Disinfectant activity is typical of oils with a high content of phenoly compounds, such as thyme oil and clove oil. In others, such as mint oil and kimmel oil, anti-tvulle activity stands out and is used to treat digestive disorders such as carminatives.

There are three volatile degrees that are reflected in the speed at which the aeror oil evaporates:

Top note – Light oils containing small, highly volatile molecules. The oils of this grade have a stimulating, strengthening and mood-raising activity. For example: Eucalyptus globulus, citrus limonum /Citrus bergamia/Citrus aurantium sinensis, mint (Mentha piperita).

Middle note – Oils that contain medium-sized and medium volatile molecules. Oils in this group will help stabilize the body and maintain the proper functioning of the various systems. For example: Lavandula officinalis, Pelargonium graveolens, and Rosmarinus officinalis.

Base note – Heavy oils containing long, large molecules with a slow volatile degree and the ability to stabilize the scent of the mixture. Oils in this group have a calming, liberating and scalping activity. For example: Boswellia carteri, Jasmine officinale, cedar (Cedrus atlantica) and cinnamomum zeylanicum.

The most initial and fastest effect of the eseric oils on our bodies is through the sense of smell.

The sense of smell is a chemical sense (similar to the sense of taste) and its function is to discern volatile chemicals that are carried by air.

The sense of smell is used for survival that helps the person receive information and keep him in close contact with the environment.

By using the sense of smell we examine the air we breathe and thus may detect hazards such as smoke, various gases, broken foods and more.

In addition, the sense of smell forms part of the nonverbal (and unconscious) communication and helps us get information about the environment we are in, the people we meet and may even help find potential spouses or friends.

The sense of smell also affects our mood and memory as well as an impact on our health through the nervous system and endocrine system.

The sense of smell is directly related to the limbic system in the brain which is responsible for processing sensory data, emotions, survival actions and immediate responses to danger (fight or escape).

The information obtained from the sense of smell goes directly to the hypothalamus (an area of the brain that is responsible for maintaining balance in the body – homeostasis of temperature, weight, blood pressure, hormones, etc.) and does not pass through the thalamus (an area of the brain that is responsible for absorbing messages from other senses). Therefore, the sense of smell affects mood and physical condition quickly and allows us to act in a rapid way in case of danger.

In order to smell something it needs to have small enough molecules that will be volatile and airborne. In this way, the molecules can penetrate through the nose to the brain, where they are absorbed by receptors (receptors) that help distinguish the different smells.

Humans have about 40 million receptors in the brain.

It used to be thought that the only way to distinguish odours was to infiltrate the molecules into the brain and identify them through the receptors. But as science progressed, they discovered that molecules of different materials (with a different odor) had a similar structure.

From this, it becomes clear that beyond the identification of the molecules by the receptors, the vibration of the molecule is also important.

The sense of smell has a number of important qualities that make it unique: it does not compromise – if there is a smell that is unpleasant for us we are unable to remain calm for long. The sense of smell keeps us alert and tells us of danger even when resting and sleeping.

Also, in the event of fainting, a strong smell will immediately provoke us.
The sense of smell also refers to our ability to perceive and understand things. When we say "something doesn't smell good to us," we actually say we suspect something that could be dangerous or harmful.

Getting used to an unfamiliar smell helps expand perceptions of smells, new things. Using essential oils over time may affect the brain's absorption capacity and allow us to be open to new things.

  • Oils are ostracized in the burner – this method helps to affect the atmosphere in the room and is suitable for improving mood, calming or sharpening thought. Put a few drops of essential oils according to the size of the burner and the room and add a little water (or coarse salt).
  • Full Body Massage / Local – This method is used to massage and treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional problems and includes the use of essential oils that are scathing with vegetable carrier oils, such as olive, almonds, grape seeds, jujoba and more.
    It is important to note that there is a difference in dosages between children and adults. For the treatment of children, it is recommended to use a dosage of up to 4 drops of essential oils and for treating adults, it is recommended to use a dosage of up to 10 drops of essential oils.
  • Gregor – This method helps treat wounds in the oral cavity, periodontal infections and throat infections.
  • Internal take – under professional supervision.

Chemotherapy therapy. Steroids. Hormonal treatments.

Pregnancy – During pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid using powerfully influential essential oils such as Thymus vulgaris, Mentha piperita and juniperus communis and hormonally influential essential oils such as salvia sclaria/Salvia officianalis and Cupressus semperirens.

In contrast, there are essential oils that are safe to treat during pregnancy such as Lavandula officinalis, Boswellia carteri, Citrus Limonum, Melaleuca alternifolaia, and Citrus aurantium sinensis.
It is important to note that when using during pregnancy, take care of unusually low doses of essential oils in the blend (a concentration not exceeding 2.5%).